She is currently working on a biography of Louis XIV. Gladly. Louis is disbelieving: And sacrifice your future to see me suffer? Philippe glances around the salon then says: What does a King know of sacrifice?, Louis cant believe it. Yes, it was common to talk about marriage that soon! Moreover, we cant fault her anymore for continuing her relationship with Louis (as if she would have had the power to end it anyway) than we can Philippe for continuing his with the Chevalier. Thank you, Amy! *Another side-note: When the Chavelier mentions that Louis does not look for beauty so much as character, umwas he talking about Henriette? Still, Louis suspicions had been aroused and he ordered an autopsy, which was performed by French doctors and witnessed by others sent from England. I believe Louis did love her. Revealing nothing. And if you reread my words very carefully, you might realise that I never once touched on the legality of it. In every possible way. .. now, I am not saying that Colbert is implying Philippe poisoned his wife, but it sure sounds like it. Ill tell you, though, that, like you, I totally adore Philippe in this series, the actor is great and some King/brother interaction is well done. And then Marchal throws Montcourts words back at him: and when we are the Kings enemy, we must make him believe we are his friend, right? Yessss. And the only reason she is such a powerful weapon against Philippe is because Philippe views her as nothing more than his property to do with as he wishes. Marchal commands to clear the room, Louis adds: Not you, Montcourt. and the doors are sealed: no one enters. John Clare 191 subscribers Henrietta of England, Duchess of Orlans rushes to Louis XIV's chambers after being poisoned. fantastic bog! I love these seemingly random yet distinct choices made by directors and production designers. My biggest problem with Henriette/Louis is that I find it highly doubtful that Louis would have sex with her. Also it will set Louis in a collision with Phillipe who did not want his wife to go to England for the negotiations. BRILLIANT acting. I will speak to whomever I like. Louvois: I know this is true. So Louis settles into sleep. Thanks for your great reviews! The rape thing was upsetting. Marchal replies in that cool way of his: we eliminate the suspects. Colbert: eliminating the suspects doesnt mean the same to me as it does to you! Lol. Dance. Claudine confirms poison and Louis huddles with his advisors: he wants to know if any English are at court. NOT AT ALL acceptable in the eyes of pretty much everyone. Check back soon for my overview and wrap up of the entire season. By this stage both Henriette and Marie Thrse of Spain now knew what it felt like to be jilted and cast aside in your loved ones affections by another attractive court lady. Aaaaaand there we have the end of the episode and the end of Season One. We see Louis expression crumple, and he blinks, almost disbelievingly, and then Philippe is out the door. Both of them were in love with other people when they were forced to marry and they both were aware of that. Should Claudine be villified for showing up her father? No, of course she doesnt. Ridicule. What a pain! It was just how it was. First off, let me preface my response with the qualifier that I know very little about the historical figures on which these characters are based. Feel free to comment if any details are wrong. Some were obviously written for massive impact. So to me, this indicates hes still quite scared. "Versailles" and I met by chance on Netflix. And Rohan chuckles and I well. Such was the hygiene of 17th century France. Today, speculation has attributed Henriettes death to intestinal blockage, ectopic pregnancy or tuberculosis affecting the peritoneum. My loyalty still lays with Philippe as her husband, he has a right to lay claim to his wife. the court was rife with extra-marital affairs involving married women as well as men, but still) but that does not mean Henriette could turn her feelings for Louis off at the touch of a wedding ring from a man she didnt choose or want. We see him silent and sombre, a blank expression on his face. Now she is in a marriage that will never give her any joy with a man she does not love and she should risk displeasing her lover, the king, by rejecting him? And Philippe says calmly and quietly: There. God knows the wolves might have taken us but what did we know? The true cause of Henriettes death can never be known, but one thing is certain: this beloved princess was sadly missed. Plus he told Louis he didnt recognise the sender of the notes which is technically true. The death of someone so young was often attributed to poison. As her husband, Philippe, rushed to her bedside, Henriette chided him, Alas, Monsieur, it is a long time since you loved me, but this is unjust. Alerted, Henriettes lady-in-waiting watched the duke closely, but he showed no indication of guilt and every sign that he was distressed by his wifes condition. He tucks Louis in then gets into his small cot (that looks like a camping bed), fully clothed. I let a wolf back into my barn! Montcourts hand slides to his hip, Marchal sees this (good Chief of Police *pets his pretty head*) and Montcourt still denies, Louis accuses him of poisoning Henriette. Do you even think hed allow her to end things? We are shown much more of Philippes inner mind and his relationship to Louis than anyone else. I am a friend. Marchal is still ordering: Get his Majesty to safety, at once! His guards rush in to remove him, they scuffle and Louis yells: get your hands off me! They take her hands. Louis approaches and she wakes. Is that understood? and pushes past them. It would be an outrageous thought. Similarly, perforation of the gall bladder may have led to an excess of bile leaking into the peritoneum causing the corruption and gangrene reported by her doctors. You can ask to reproduce it, though - just contact me. Henriette, Duchesse dOrlans, the sister-in-law of Louis XIV, took a drink of her usual chicory water and immediately clutched her side, crying out in pain. *Disclaimer* I do not own any of the audio or footage included in this. It was so good. And before we can check ourselves and reach for the tissues, the priest murmurs, Amen and Philippes expression tightens, his head gently shaking before he steps away from the bed, leaving Louis there. If Id been in her shoes, I think Id have given a flat affirmative. Since the first stone was laid in this expansion. Season Two Mike and the last of Rohans men are massacred in a last stand by the musketeers, led by Fabien Marchal. So anyways, off we go. Henriette screams and they both surge to the door then suddenly stop. They grew up knowing what their duty was as prince and princess. I think Teresa is being a bit naive re. They exchange silent looks for a moment, then Philippe says quietly, Do you remember our fort?. Its my weekly sin, I confess, Im too addicted to this period to miss it. Princess Henriette was born on 16 June 1644, on the eve of the Second Battle of Newbury during the Civil War, at Bedford House in Exeter, a seat of William Russell, 5th Earl of Bedford (1613-1700), who had recently returned to the Royalist side. SYNC. Spooks), it was no surprise when this drama arrived with a hearty dollop of sex, violence, tension, and intrigue. (Same with the Chevalier and his jealousy of Philippes wives. (For the record, I am speaking strictly of the characters in this drama, not the historical characters). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Nice one, Montcourt. Copyright 2023 History Today Ltd. Company no. Louis: you are grieving. Philippe shakes his head: I grieve alone. Louis swallows then says: You will marry again. Philippe interjects: I simply want to live. Louis: It is your duty. Philippe hisses: I have had my fill of duty. I will also add that while Louis uses her to hurt Philippe in a very deliberate and calculated manner, I dont believe that is Henriettes intent at all. Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction - and other times, period dramas take a little artistic license . Lets just say, Henriettes jealous behaviour is a far cry less despicable than Philippes.). Pale and in obvious distress, she was put to bed, but her pains were so severe that she believed she must have been poisoned and asked for an antidote. Her father was King Charles I of England, her mother the youngest daughter of Henry IV of France and Marie de' Medici. Check Ovation for times and how you can watch Ovation in your area. Philippe has no interest in Henriette, is not attracted to her or in love with her. Not so much. Is he for or against le roi? And our enemies have stopped at nothing to destroy it. AAAAAAHHH. Cassel leaves, then Montcourt walks away in the direction of Rohan who is discussing the Dauphins outing with a guard. Henriette says a glorious death in battle would not displease him. Who seeks to harm Henriette? He took the bottle to drown his sorrows as it were, after he hit Claudine, feeling remorse, I would think. A rant about the UK press and their Versailles reviews. Bontemps: For you, Sire. Shine on Bontemps, you unsubtle diamond, you. However, the bible does say something about a man being expected to marry his brothers widow. The flowers theyre singing. and she is gone. She is in such a tizzy that she barely gives her daughter, Sophie, the. Montcourt declares he only knew her in passing, Marchal calls out his bullshit: but you knew she had malevolent intent. To which Montcourt sarcastically replies: it may have escaped your notice but everyone in this building has malevolent intent. By this point, Louis had basically forgotten about and gotten over Henriette though this was much to her displeasure and chagrin. Philippe loves and is loyal to his brother and only wants Louis to allow him to support him. Art. I choose to believe it was a mistake on the writers part and will simply fast forward over it when I rewatch. He was brought up and ruled as absolute monarch, and believed for the good of France. In the show Philippe tries time and again to offer his support and love, but is constantly betrayed or rejected (this happened with the historical figures, too. Eww. In perfect sync. Previously, we see Masson offer the same bottle offered to Louis when the king is sick (and Masson reels off a list of ingredients), and the bottle being secretively replaced, so Masson definitely did not know it was poisoned. Philippe had stillborn twins and a daughter, a son who died at 2 and one at 4, plus two miscarriages. Then, as they both walk through the salon (Vaux de Vicomte again) and to the doors, the guards bar their way and Louis enters. Her mother (a french princess) is dead, and shes alone, probably the only English in the palace. Dear Anne, Im guessing I know a fair bit more about rape, the history of rape, the history of rape within marriage and womens rights (and lack thereof) than you realise. She rises and silently leaves, then more people walk in to pay their respects the Chevalier included. Montcourt denies it: No, Sire. Philippe raping his wife. He certainly is darker, more angry and violent than he was in real life. But Sophie declares she has no life: what her mother told her was a lie. Marchal picks up the dropped knife and lunges and he and Montcourt trade a few blows, with Marchal blocking then delivering a punch. Louis and Bontemps share a look between them a kind of wtf do we do now? My greatest issue with Henriette is that she seems to lack any personality. But lets compare: Henriette is jealous. elisabetta, oopsI should say figure, not charactersorry, english is not my first language . No wonder Philippe feels the need to claim what is his. I enjoyed them very much, I must saymuch more than this series, which is good entertainement, but, God, so FAR from being historically correct, in so many ways. It happened so fast, but did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? I do. And c) to show the resentment Philippe has for his wife, a woman whom he has to share with his brother, and he cannot do a damn thing about it. Philippe and Louis have all the best monologues and the writing is brilliant, so in character. Bontemps says: protocol demands that if the air is impure and if you are at risk, you must leave immediately. (this is true) Marchal strides in to take command. I think he has done his younger brother irreperable harm and, at times, I wonder if he wouldnt throw Philippe to the wolves if it suited him or France. Is Philippe such a child and so lacking in self-restraint that he cant wait a few extra moments until they, too, were behind closed doors? For her lot to improve, she could only hope for things to happen. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. and to Marchal in his office, interrogating Montcourt. Enriched my enjoyment of the show, and got a bit more educated on the courts history as well . Claudine confirms: We have no choice. Montcourt to Marchal: You are a fool. Louis replies: And you are a MURDERER! Montcourt continues with the wrong man thing, but Louis will have none of it. In the case of Versailles, He gets up and leaves, walking through the corridors with a candelabra. Having spent the first episode ripping their kit off at any opportunity, the court of Versailles has taken an oath of chastity. These reactions perfectly suit and says a lot to their characters, plus George Blagden and Alex Vlahos as hugely talented actors. In this respect, they are both on fairly equal footing. He remembers too. The Queen rushes to her side as she collapses and Louis commands Bontemps to fetch his doctor. She seems like she has genuinely been brought in as a main character simply to drive the wedge deeper between Louis and Philippe, but not contribute anything herself to most of her scenes! I could see the Chevalier if not Philippe taking on Sophie as a sort of pet, his project, I imagine the Chevalier would have adored trying to corrupt a sweet young thing like Sophie. Brilliant writing. There are a few movies I enjoy that are fairly accurate. Heres a thought: what is your view to Claudine? Philippe was the one in strident dissent! Louvois and Marchal agree. Then he calls for the Guards. I think that if he really loved Henriette that much, he wouldnt have gotten over her so quickly and easily, once they dangled a pretty, young blonde newcomer court lady to distract him. Maybe that is where she got the poison she used on Fabien?, de Clermont went to a brothel to obtain poison and the love potion Lauren (Marchals henchwoman) tells him thats what she observed. Toodles. The moment stretches and Claudine shakes her head: she will not survive the poison. We see a shot of Philippe and Louis: Philippe is stunned and mega sad. Also thanks for your detailed and in depth reviews. I love this show <3. UGH. Henriette is Philippes wife, his property, his to do with as he wishes. The king himself suspected that Henrietta might have been poisoned and ordered an autopsy to be carried out. And also shout out to Hannah for being a a much needed third voice. Seriously, he could have married her to any noble and they would have looked the other way at the cheating. Bontemps suddenly appears; Henriette has been calling. But gossip is gossip and it was particularly rife and vicious in those days. They have some banter, and Rohan invites the boy to play a game A game of war? The Dauphin says excitedly. It is clear these two have a long relationship and are not allowing a small (read: large) thing as marriage get in the way. Ive mentioned before that his intimate interactions with women in the show are used as a form of punishment towards those who have hurt him Louis (with Louise and Henriette) and the Chevalier (with the maid). So many questions.. let me see: did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? We were taking the air with our governess when we made a break for freedom. It was really interesting reading both of your viewpoints. The camera hovers over the prone Henriette then pans up from the bed, like we are her soul being released from her body. Arguably, as a man, it was within Philippes power to end his relationship easily enough whereas Henriette, a woman, would very possibly not have had that same power. Claudine tries to give her something for the pain but she wont swallow, her throat is closing up. I wonder what theyve got in store for us. Louis meanwhile, is disorientated (and by this time I am wondering where the guards are with all this noise, despite Marchal telling them not to disturb them). In Versailles, Madame de Clermont is running round like a blue-arsed fly having discovered that her poison has gone missing. So how could you be scared? The next shot is of Montespan, entering her rooms, where she briefly cries then quickly gains control with a deep breath. And laudanum as a sedative was much used at the time. The sudden onset of Henriettes illness, the severe pain and the short time between the onset of her symptoms and her death suggested to her contemporaries that she had been poisoned. The camera then cuts to Rohan, drinking and brooding in his room, absently stabbing the table with a knife as he glares at a portrait of Louis-as-a-boy (which is a gorgeous portrait and includes Philippe, apparently in a private collection and attributed to artist Charles Beaubrun. And Marchal sees this too, his eyes flicking down to focus on them, then showing us aflashback of the dying girl, Charlotte de Parthanay, whom he held in his arms in Episode Three, where she says she saw angels. But I still dont get why he doesnt just dob them both in.? Im genuinely having real trouble understanding your position here. Cue some fabulous visuals of doors closing, pikes crossing, the golden gates slamming shut and locking. I am waiting eagerly for the second season and I really hope to see you write about it then. poison, death and departures Versailles episode 10. My bed your last stop before retiring. When we are the kings enemy, we must make him believe we are his friend. The French musical Le Roi Soleil is always great to watch. Josephine Wilkinson is an academic and author. Despite being a dab hand at treating people who have been poisoned, the doc announces that she . The Kings son. Later on, we see the portrait back in Louiss chamber Photograph: BBC. Philippe adds: .or two, perhaps. And he strides off. The only protection offered is by Louis. A hundred years ago. New episodes of " Versailles " air at 10/9c Saturdays on Ovation, but are rebroadcast throughout the week. This scene is barely seconds long, but oh, so telling as to her character. And she was having an affair with the Comte de Guiche. He weeps for the loss and I am sure he also weeps for the helplessness he must now feel, a man so powerful and commanding, who rules a country and its people a true King and yet, still unable to save her. It was very clear from episode 1 that you were not a fan of Henriette and I found that quick jarring to read in your reviews. Our dear Henriette. And, more importantly, Henriette NEVER RAPED Philippe. Okay, Im gonna walk you through what I see, so bear with me. You said everything that should have been pointed out a long time ago, with counterpoints and parallels that shone a light on some arguments and favoritism that , within the context of the show not history, were just mind boggling. Coming from the quills of noted showrunners David Wolstencroft and Simon Mirren, both known for gripping series with a conspiratorial bent (i.e. Such an angry outpouring from Louis, however, would have been out of character and no one else reported that he said any such thing. The writers do it over and over again, in tiny little ways that is infuriating (Philippe with his sad puppy eyes Nooooo!) Hmm. But for that one unforgivable act, I could have felt real sympathy for that walking, talking mess of dysfunction. In the end though, nobody was actually tortured or executed on charges of killing her. To spare his feelings? But Montespan kind of brushes it off with, Yes, I would do the same. She is hurt, nonetheless. However there is a new addition, a large portrait of Louis now hanging on wall near the door (replacing a previous smaller ND painting of flowers). Louis paranoia about his little brother is completely unfounded. We learn that she has loved Louis since they were children. His belief was shared by Elizabeth-Charlotte, Philippes second wife, who named the culprits as Lorraine and the Marquis dEffiat, an equerry, who had acted without Philippes knowledge. I am sobbing. At the time of his birth, his parents had been married for 23 years. Louis and Philippe approach the bed, to the dying Henriette who looks really bad. Henriette, however, was never robust and often experienced such terrible pains in her side that she would lie on the floor to find respite. I do think it is out-of-character for the Philippe we know and love on the show, not just historically inaccurate, to force himself on her. many things. Louis looks at him as he goes on: I believe this palace is a symbol of our king. Eg; Louis shuts him (from preventing Henrietta to go to England) up by releasing Chevalier. Admittedly, its in the middle of a shag, when she is distracted, but still. Such emotion. Guilt often manifests itself in an outward show of rage. Yep. His contemplation is silent. Philippe is the complete dysfunctional mess he is thanks to Louis (and their mother) and he would have my complete sympathy, were it not for his raping his wife in a fit of anger and jealousy. She brought honour on herself and glory to our court. The steps, the swinging of the arms, the movement of the coat and their cravats. Bontemps is a little freaked: Th-this is highly irregular, your Majesty. But the IDGAF expression on the Queens face is priceless. If anything, his expression pays deference to her status as a princess, hes contemplating his own mortality. Her intent is not to hurt Philippe by sleeping with Louis, she simply doesnt care (and I dont blame her). Montcourt tried to tell me the same. King Louis is in a bit of a pickle. UGH, technology! From the bed, Henriette says pitifully, Dont leave me and straight away, we know who that is aimed at. Is Philippe a victim? Close the doors! The Queen adds: we must put her in the bed. Louis nods; in she goes. but it is later, after they already speak with the guards in the background. A brief scene follows, showing Rohan and the Dauphin sword playing and pretending a jolly game of war in the forest, thenwe are back to the Kings bedchamber where Henriette sleeps and Philippe is outside in the antechamber, brooding by the fireplace as Louis walks in. THIS. They had children. Why? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. And I do not regret it for an instant. Like he is trying to justify himself. The writers want us to think that evrry time they had kids, he had to rape her? She allows grief but only briefly. I cant always catch what is being said, particularly if it an aside or a whisper but I know you will tell me . Pretty sure he was not the one who did the poisoning thing. Exactly. And suddenly Marchal has his ah-HA moment. Panoramica: After crushing the Protestants and thwarted Leto, Louis feels invincible. That doesnt mean a woman would feel affection for her abuser. We now see Philippe asleep. And the next shot is Louis in slow-mo, walking out. Of course, nothing happened and the doctors said colic but nine hours later, she was dead. But your first strike would have to be true. A yellow Spanish topaz, buried in the mud. They could not be more different in this moment. Philippe looks up to Louis with wet puppy eyes, Louis looks at Philippe, his all flinty and hard. Thank you! . Saint-Simon asserted that Louis was so thankful that his brother was innocent of the crime that he decided not to prosecute the perpetrators. FOCUS. My apartment has no pisspot and I do hate to urinate in the stairwells. The Chevalier: Never stopped you before. (teeheehee) They are interrupted by the Duc de Cassel (who is looking even rougher and more filthy than usual. But unlike Philippe, Henriette never snogged her lover obnoxiously right there in the same room with him. Beating your wife was also quite legal, acceptable and, indeed, expected. Especially as her lover was the king. Louis turns in slow-mo, the expression on his face revealing nothing. So, he loves Henrietta as a friend, or simply to rival his brother? He sees Louis. And that is the problem you face, Montcourt. She cant honestly say that the death of the man to whom she is shackled in a loveless marriage, who feels no attraction for her and never can but can easily enough rape her, who stands between her and the man she truly loveswouldnt be entirely unwelcome. He rapes his wife. Hi Janet! Henriette wasnt asking the king to hire a hit on Philippe. You see it in Ep3 where he yells where is MY wife? You see it in Ep2 with his angry speech to Louis: do you tell yourself that when you are fucking MY WIFE? In so many subtle ways Philippe is being demeaned by Louis. Marchal is surprised but pleased: attracting the flies to the paper. You are both the angels at my shoulder, says Louis, which reminds Marchal of the Parthenays and Montcourt. And Philippe is the one who looks tortured, he is the emotional one, while Louis remains stoic. Louis persists. We stake our claim or we are ploughed into the field. Slavery was also an accepted practice of the day. Glad to see he lives on, at least for awhile. As she said, she was only voicing what they were both thinking. (Historical note: it was forbidden for the King to be in the presence of death. thank you.. Or survival. he starts to pace: here comes the lecture. But in context, with everything else going on in the show and with what Philippe deals with, I can understand why he did it. I have heard many say they see angels before they die. (Ahhh! I just binge-watched all 2 seasons and now painfully waits for each episode of Season 3 to come out. Hi Theresa, and thanks for your comment. Claudine and Philippe converse, with Claudine saying she feels they are not through the worst. Point 6: Not her greatest moment, no. You have never been a man whos true. At the time of her death, it was widely believed that Henrietta had been poisoned and the prime suspects were her husband, Philippe and/or his lover, the Chevalier de Lorraine.