The persons may or may not be included in EDGs as certified members. Reasonable Compatibility The method of verification used for Medical Programs. This is done by intentionally reselling the product purchased with SNAP benefits in exchange for cash or consideration other than eligible food. Molar Pregnancy Also known as hydatidiform mole, a molar pregnancy is considered a degenerating pregnancy. Prospective Budgeting Determination of eligibility for and the amount and type of benefits using the best estimate of the household's current and future circumstances and income. To find out if you might be eligible for Medicaid in Texas, visit Streamlined Reporting (SR) Households where all adults are exempt from the 18-50 work requirements due to: Note: These households receive a six-month certification period. Seecase modeandinterview mode. The benefit is funded by taxes collected from businesses. Get help over the phone,from an HHSC benefit officeor community partner. Suspended Benefits The Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) is flagged to prevent the ongoing issuance of benefits until eligibility staff review the EDG. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) proration is based on the number of days between the begin date of eligibility and the end of the first month of eligibility. Asylee A person granted asylum under Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The: User-Generated Action generated directly by an individual's computer input. They are still required to be registered for work with the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and are mandatory participants if they do not meet work registration exemption requirements. collects information from throughout the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS); and. Alerts A functional area on a navigation bar that allows eligibility staff to request alerts and view outstanding and processed alerts. Taxable Year The 12-month period that a person uses to report income for federal income tax purposes. Self-Service Portal (SSP) A web-based application, TSAP provides a 36-month certification period. Permissible Purpose A federal requirement that allows staff to legally request a credit report from the Data Broker system for the sole purpose of determining eligibility. receive copies of the applicants or recipient's notices in the preferred language selected on the application and other communications from the agency; act on behalf of the applicant or recipient in all other matters with the agency, such as reporting changes. You can still manage your benefits online.Once we review your application you will be able to see your information on Your Texas Benefits. The sleeve also has important information printed on it for easy reference, such as the Lone Star Help Desk number. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Vendor A company that performs EBT-related services for the state of Texas. Override A Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) procedure that allows the user to make a change to the system-determined Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) results. Qualified entities that are also Breast and Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS) contractors with the DSHS may make presumptive eligibility determinations for Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MBCC) applicants. Inmates of facilities that meet the definition of public institution are not eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Medicaid. Non-Secure Facility A publicly operated community residence that serves no more than 16 residents, such as a county emergency shelter or non-public group or foster home. Battered Alien A battered spouse, battered child or parent, or child of a battered person with a pending petition with the U.S. Individual Number A unique nine-digit number that identifies any person known to the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS). The User Guide includes information about numerous TIERS topics. Falsified Statement A statement made by an individual, orally or in writing, that is not true, such as claiming to have been without worksince a certain date,when the individual was employed during that time period. 4, Disqualified Members, unless that disqualification is due to not meeting citizenship requirements. Availability Date The date that benefits are deposited into the recipients Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) account. Representative Payee In Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), a person designated to receive and manage the household's benefits for someone who is incapacitated or incompetent. Expenses of Performing Artists Federal income tax deductible expenses for qualified performing artists paid or accrued through performances while serving as an employee in the performing arts. The user reaches the end of the driver flow at the Case Assignment page and must use the Left Navigation to return to specific pages in Data Collection. Only a personal representative may authorize the use or disclosure of individually identifiable health information or obtain individually identifiable health information for a person. The notices and forms processed in this functional area are also called correspondence and linked to a specific case. The Marketplace in Texas is operated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Indigent Alien A sponsored alien whose total income in the month of application does not exceed 130 percent of the federal poverty level for the alien's household size. a supervised shelter that provides temporary living quarters; a place not intended for regular sleeping quarters; or. There are two types of cardholders: primary cardholders and secondary cardholders. Retroactive Benefits Initial benefits issued for a month before the application is certified. Participation Status The designation of an Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) member as an eligible or ineligible member of the certified group. Legally Obligated Child Support Court order or a legally recorded document requiring the payments of child support to be made in the form of cash, medical support, or to a third party. Adverse Action Any HHSC action resulting in denial, suspension, reduction or termination of assistance. You do not need to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to connect. These are benefits issued and accessed by EBT cards, card numbers and PINs, or by manual voucher and signature. Be ready to answer questions abouteveryone applying such as: Check the status of your benefits ormanage your benefits. 24/7, confidential support is always available. (FPL). You'll get an email or text when there'sa form or notice available online in yourMessage Center. full service having a significant presence of Choices staff; or. Bona Fide Agent A person who is familiar with an applicant and knowledgeable of the person's financial affairs. reaching the maximum age for that specific program; state error in the eligibility determination; or, fraud, abuse, or perjury attributed to the people or persons representative, was the spouse, parent, sibling or adult child of a victim who died as a result of a violent crime; or. Combat Zone The geographic area or country to which a military member is deployed for combat. Employment Services Program (ESP) ESP consists of two programs. Restored Benefits Full or partial months of benefits for a past month that are owed to a household due to an agency error. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act replaced the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Need help buying food because of recent disasters in your area? Trade Adjustment Assistance Act Program (TAAP) A program for workers displaced by foreign workers. Print Mode Indicates where historical correspondence was printed. The primary cardholder is usually the Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) name, but the EDG may have an alternate payee who is the primary cardholder. Report Date The date information is reported to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). You will need to login again. Special Review A procedure to explore one or more areas of eligibility. Colonias Unincorporated and unregulated settlements (neighborhoods) along the U.S. and Mexico border. Application Registration The functional area where a person's application for assistance is recorded. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Multiple people may be certified on a single EDG. The program reimburses the policy holder for private health insurance payroll deductions for Medicaid-eligible persons when HHSC determines that it is cost-effective. Capital Gains A profit from the sale of property or an investment when the sale price is higher than the initial purchase price. the adult provides more than half of the minor's total support (housing is not considered as support); the adult states that the adult has parental control of the minor; or. This guide will explain the different types of . Texas Health & Human Services Commission. Administrative Renewal The method used to redetermine eligibility for most Medical Programs, including Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) and the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Parents and Caretaker Relatives Emergency (TA 31), Medically Needy with Spend Down Emergency (TP 32). One program is the Choices program for TANF recipients, and the other is the SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) program for SNAP recipients. Certification Period The period of eligibility established at disposition. A boarder can receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits only with the household where they board. Social Security Number A unique nine-digit number assigned to a person by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Permissible purpose means the person whose credit report is requested must be: Staff who request credit information without permissible purpose are subject to fines, imprisonment, or both. This includes, mineral rights, patents or copyrights. The money contributed to these accounts is not subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit. Traditional Medicaid Waiver Counties Texas counties with an unemployment rate over 10 percent. After 90 days in the same person's residence, the household is no longer considered homeless. Subsistence Life supporting or survival. Helps pregnant, breastfeeding women and families with children younger than 5 buy healthy foods. Pending Correspondence Forms or notices that have been generated on a case and are waiting to be processed in batch. Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) Members of a household whose needs, resources, income and deductions are considered in determining eligibility for benefits. Medicaid is also known as the medical assistance program. Advanced Authentication Personal security questions generated by third-party software to perform authentication of an applicant's identity before granting the person an account through (link is external) with Case Visibility. Effective Month The first month benefits can be affected based on the monthly cutoff date or applicable policy for advance and adequate notice of adverse action. Educational Expenses/Student Loan Interest A federal income tax deduction for people paying interest on student loans or for people with education expenses such as tuition, fees, room and board, books and other supplies. Also formally known as (adult) probation. Continuing Scheme A situation in which a recipient commits two or more acts. Conditional Entrant A person granted conditional entry under Section 203(a)(7) of the INA as in effect before April 1, 1980. receives Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits; is physically and mentally able to work at least an average of 20 hours per week; is not a member of a SNAP Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) where a household member on the SNAP EDG is under 18; and is not pregnant. Assets All items of monetary value owned by a person. Qualified Health Plan (QHP) A private insurance plan that is certified by the Marketplace, provides essential health benefits, follows established limits on cost-sharing (such as deductibles, copayments, and out-of-pocket maximum amounts), and meets certain other requirements. Migrant Farmworker Not in the Workstream Farmworkers who travel to work in agriculture or a related industry during part of the year, but who are presently residing at their permanent residence or home base. Functional Area Functions and processes that appear in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) Left Navigation area and represent a particular business process. SeeCascade Logic,Rebuild EDG, andRun EDBC. Homeless Household Households that have no regular nighttime residence or that live in: Hotline (TANF/SNAP Complaints) Toll-free number (877-787-8999) where staff receive complaints for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) cases. Power of Attorney (POA) Written legal authorization to represent or act on another's behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matters. For example, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has two types of assistance: PA (public assistance) and NPA (non-public assistance). TANF provides families with financial assistance and support services. See Alternate Payee. Access to this site and the information assets of this site are for official use only. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 dismantled the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and separated the former agency into three components within the Department of Homeland Security. Case Mode Status of a case that identifies that: Case Number A unique 10-digit number that identifies a group of Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs). Negative Management A household has negative management when its reported basic expenses exceed reported net income and resources plus support the HHSC excludes, such as vendor payments. High School Diploma Certification issued by a state-accredited school to a student who successfully completes the curriculum requirements for secondary school as approved by the State Board of Education. Certification Date The date that eligibility staff dispose the Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) to certify an applicant. Timely Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) application filed by the 15th of the last month of certification. You must also be one of the following: Pregnant, or Management The way in which a household pays its expenses with available income. Non-Public Assistance (NPA) Household Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) households where no one receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or only some of the members receive TANF. Unemployment Benefits Services allows individuals to submit new applications for unemployment benefits, submit payment requests, get claim and payment status information, change their benefit payment option, update their address or phone number, view IRS 1099-G information, and respond to work search log requests. Budgetary Needs The full basic needs amount as defined by Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) necessary for a family to obtain food, clothing, housing, utilities, and incidentals such as phone, laundry, and recreation. Birth Verification System (BVS) The inquiry system includes birth records of people born in Texas. To learn more about Texas Works, please visit Texas Workforce Commission website. OPTION 2: Start an Application Online You can start the application process online. Point-of-Sale (POS) Transaction An electronic transaction using an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card to make a purchase, a cash withdrawal, or inquiry. It is also referred to as spousal support paid. You need to pass a few authentication questions. Discovery Date The date a person learns of a change. Qualified Hospital (QH) A Medicaid provider that notifies HHSC of its intent to make presumptive eligibility determinations and agrees to make PE determinations per HHSC policies and procedures. Absent Parent A child's parent who is not living in the home. Applicants who meet eligibility requirements during any of the months in this period receive Medicaid benefits for the eligible month(s). Emancipated Minor A person 17 and under who has been married. If you are just looking for support services and want to be contacted by programs, you need to create an account. You are exiting this workflow before finishing. All system-generated correspondence is scheduled for batch printing although it can be retrieved from Pending Correspondence and printed locally. Former Medicaid recipients may request a certificate within 24 months after their Medicaid is denied by calling 800-723-4789. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] Form I-864 or I-864-A) on or after Dec. 19, 1997, agreeing to support an alien as a condition of the alien's entry into the U.S. Protective Payee Person selected to receive and manage the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefit when the caretaker is not using the TANF payments for the children's benefit. SeeCorrespondence,Print ModeandPrint Type. Medicaid Report (Form H1146) A form completed by a transitional Medicaid household in the fourth, seventh and tenth months of medical coverage to report earnings and household composition changes. Underpayment Issuance of fewer benefits than an individual is entitled to receive. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Payments: Indian Tribal Household A household in which at least one household member is recognized as a tribal member by any Indian tribe. Individually Identifiable Health Information Information that either identifies or could be used to identify a person that relates to the: Ineligible Alien A non-citizen whose alien status makes them ineligible for program benefits. You need 4 numbers for your PIN. Appeals are logged and updated in the Hearing functional area on the navigation bar. The second party selects the Second Level Review interview mode. The final digit of your SNAP EDG (Eligibility Determination Group) number indicates the day on which you will receive benefits. Normal Living Expense Items necessary for a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) household to carry on its normal daily activities. General Equivalency Diploma (GED) A high school equivalency certificate issued after a person completes a State Board of Education-approved high school equivalency program. These plans are offered through the Health Insurance Marketplace, or the Exchange, where individuals can research, compare, and purchase health plans. Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) The rules used to determine financial eligibility for certain Medical Programs that are based on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax rules. Your case visibility account has been disabled because of inactivity. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Issuance Staff An HHSC employee who issues and registers EBT cards for people in the local HHSC office. Unemployment Benefits Services allows individuals to submit new applications for unemployment benefits, submit payment requests, get claim and payment status information, change their benefit payment option, update their address or phone number, view IRS 1099-G information, and respond to work search log requests. A same-sex marriage that occurred before June 26, 2015, is considered valid effective June 26, 2015. See, is a member of a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program [SNAP] Eligibility Determination Group [EDG] where a household member is under 18; or. The system generates an alert when the SSA Benefit amount on file does not match the information on the BENDEX file. The same benefit is now called One-Time TANF for Relatives, with payment records stored in TIERS. are held under court order as material witnesses or juveniles. Type of Assistance (TOA) The specific aid for one or more people in an Eligibility Determination Group (EDG). Apply online and make a Your Texas Benefitsaccount so you can start, save and go backto your online application at any time. Fair Hearing A meeting conducted by a regional hearing officer with an applicant or individual who disagrees with and wishes to appeal some action taken on the individual's case. The automated process uses existing applicant information, electronic data source information and reasonable compatibility when income verification is required. This process occurs through a mass update and does not require action. These include a county holding facility for juveniles or a facility that a government unit exercises final administrative authority. Cascade Logic A hierarchy of logic used to build Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs) and evaluate eligibility for Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) programs and types of assistance. Purchasing a product with SNAP benefits with a container requiring a return deposit. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Representative A primary cardholder other than the case name. This information is used in the EDBC process to build Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs) and determine eligibility for programs and types of assistance. You can buy individual coverage through: An insurance company or health maintenance organization (HMO) A licensed health insurance agent who has a relationship with one or more insurance companies ;, the online federal health insurance Marketplace ; The Plan Finder on for individuals and small businesses Complete Action A data collection interview mode that sets up the driver flow for a complete review of all eligibility requirements in an ongoing case. The Veterans Crisis Line has a new number: Dial 988 then Press 1. According to the most recent IRS statistics for the 2017 tax year, the average married couple filing jointly received a tax refund of $2,781. My career spans a number of years, industries, and roles in education, computer operations, process improvement, organization development, coaching, marketing, customer service, and corporate .